Catalogue Raisonné

Will Grohmann | Tut Schlemmer
„Oskar Schlemmer: Zeichnungen und Graphik“, Oeuvrekatalog
Einführung von Will Grohmann, Werkverzeichnis von Tut Schlemmer
Hatje Verlag, Stuttgart, 1965
Introduction by Will Grohmann. Catalogue Raisonné by Tut Schlemmer
(The art historian Will Grohmann was a friend of Oskar Schlemmer)

Karin von Maur
„Oskar Schlemmer“
Band I: Monographie
Band II: Oeuvrekatalog der Gemälde, Aquarelle, Pastelle und Plastiken
Prestel Verlag, München | Munich, 1979
Vol. I: Monograph.
Vol. II Catalogue Raisonné of paintings, watercolours, pastels and sculptures

„Oskar Schlemmer TANZ THEATER BÜHNE“  
Kunstsammlung Nordrhein-Westfalen, Düsseldorf, Kunsthalle Wien,
Sprengel Museum, Hannover, 1994 I 1995, Hatje Verlag, 1994
Focusing on theatre, stage, and dance works, this publication marks the first time this segment of the oeuvre has been published with reproductions and lists. It includes unpublished designs and expertise, researched by U. Jaïna Schlemmer. Illustrated monograph.
This exhibition catalogue is not a catalogue raisonné.

Catalogues Raisonnés of artworks by Oskar Schlemmer were published in 1952, 1965, and 1979. 

The majority of artworks catalogued in the 1952 Catalogue Raisonné by Schlemmer's friend, art historian Hans Hildebrand, were revised and supplemented in the subsequent Catalogues Raisonnés published in 1965 and 1979. The publications are in German, they are out of print. 

Typically, a Catalogue Raisonné becomes outdated upon publication. In the case of the œuvre of Oskar Schlemmer, updates were irregularly documented and not consistently published.

Subsequent to the publications 1965 and the most recent Catalogue Raisonné in 1979, Tut Schlemmer (1890 – 1987) had partitioned, transferred, sold, or gifted artworks by her husband. Additionally, various individual owners, private collectors, art galleries, and auction houses sold artworks by Schlemmer after 1965 and after 1979. Due to changes in ownership, transfers, and the passage of time, original information may no longer be valid. Some entries in the Catalogues Raisonnés may be incorrect, outdated or even false.

Since the Second World War, several lost works of art have re-emerged, some with falsified provenance. The locations of other Oskar Schlemmer works of art remain undisclosed.After thorough scrutiny, it has been determined that several works initially published in 1979 have been omitted from the internal catalogue raisonné. Additionally, artworks not featured in the 1965 and 1979 publications, or those previously unknown, were published in subsequent publications and exhibition catalogues in Catalan, English, French, German, Japanese, Spanish et al. 

To ensure accuracy, the details regarding artworks are consistently updated within an internal catalogue raisonné.

In 1981, U. Jaïna Schlemmer assumed legal trusteeship of her father's artistic estate. Since 1982, The Oskar Schlemmer Theatre Estate has been partitioned as a distinct collection, complemented by artworks from its sole owner, U. Jaïna Schlemmer, as well as of her son,
C. Raman Schlemmer. These dance, performance, theatre artworks and documents are part of Bühnen Archiv Oskar Schlemmer | The Oskar Schlemmer Theater Archives.

Further reading | “Jaïna Schlemmer”

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