Tilman Schlemmer (1 April, 1925 – 12 March, 1945) 
80th Death Anniversary

Tut and Oskar Schlemmer’s youngest child, was born in Weimar on 1 April 1925.

A happy childhood at the Bauhaus, Breslau (Wrocław), and Berlin ended when the Nazis dismissed his father in 1932, scattering the family. Though Oskar recognized Til’s artistic
skills, higher education was out of reach. Drafted into labour service during World War II, Til was later conscripted into the Wehrmacht. He succumbed to his injuries on 13 March 1945
on the East Front, weeks before the war’s end.

One of millions of European youths dreaming of freedom, Tilman’s life was crushed by Nazi fascism and war — like countless others, he did not survive.
Tilman Schlemmer son of Oskar Schlemmer
Photograph: © U. Jaïna Schlemmer
Oskar Schlemmer Bauhaus logo
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